Floors are much like walls in that you have several options to choose from, it's just a matter of personal preference and the look you are trying to go for. I have seen many clever ideas on various sites. So, before you settle on one idea it might be fun to go look to see what inspires you. Of course, the easiest thing is to just leave the floors as they are in your mouse house and then add rugs later to give your room personality. You could also paint them a different color to add some interest.
Another popular option is to use scrapbook paper or contact paper to your floors. Most of the craft stores that offer scrapbook paper have some choices that "look like faux wood or tile floors". If you go with this option adhering to the floor is the same as with the walls. If you want it to be removable so in case you change your mind later I would recommend using tape, but if you are certain this is your permanent floor then you can use Mod Podge to apply it to your floor. But make sure this is really what you want because once you use any type of glue it will be a nightmare to remove.
Contact Paper or adhesive vinyl is another option and can be found in some hardware stores or places like Target or Walmart. However, their selection is often limited so I would highly recommend looking on- line especially on Amazon for more options. Self adhesive flooring like this is great option because if you do change your mind it is pretty easy to remove. But be warned applying it to the floor can be tedious and sometimes frustrating because you are working in a tight space and it will want to stick to itself and then you have a problem, so just be patient and go slow with this option.
Real wood floors are another possibility and my personal favorite. I have seen many ways of doing this. You can also have fun with different patterns, horizontal planks, vertical planks, Harringbone, etc. As for materials, craft sticks are easy to find and pretty inexpensive. They also come in various sizes so you can choose. I will however warn you in advance these tend to not always be perfectly straight and if you opt to either stain or paint them they will most likely warp if you get them too wet so be very aware and learn from my various experiences. I have found that dry brushing them with very little paint on your brush can work if you are very careful not to apply too much.
If you want wider planks you can also try using paint stir sticks found at hardware stores or paint shops but know in advance they have become pretty stingy with giving them away so this could be challenging. You can however buy them. I know you can get bulk packs on Amazon just be sure to read the reviews to make sure you are getting them from a reputable seller. I tried this once and it was a nightmare. They were total garbage and they promptly got returned. However, I just tried getting them from one seller, there were many more to choose from so I am sure there are good ones out there.
If you decide to use wood for your floors you may want to consider a few different options for applying your flooring. Yes, you can adhere them directly to your mouse house or you could also use some other surface such as a heavy weight paper to apply them to. You can simply cut out a template the same as your floor and then use that as your base. once again this is a great option if you think you might possibly change your mind down the road.
As for cutting your wood flooring options, it will entirely depend on the thickness of your wood. If you are using craft sticks, heavy duty scissors will work or you can purchase miter shears. I personally have never tried these. So, I cannot give any personal recommendations, but I do know many people love using them. You can also buy a small hand saw and a mini miter box and try that. This is my personal favorite! I cannot tell you how much I have used these two tools and they will be a used over and over again in your miniature projects.
Whatever flooring option you decide on, have fun with it and enjoy the process. Also keep in mind creating a mouse house is very personal. There is no right or wrong. It's your personal expression so enjoy each and every step in the process and don't rush it. All great things take time and this is no exception.