Mouse House Maintenance
Lets talk about keeping your mouse house clean today. Sadly, having a mouse house also means you need to keep it clean. Dust just loves to find it's way into all the teeny tiny treasures in your house and make a mess. So, I tear my houses apart every few months to do a deep clean. I usually clean a few rooms at a time because it seriously takes a bit of time to pull everything out and dust it off and put it all back together. Today Fontina and I have enlisted the help of Queso and Cotija to help make things go a bit quicker.
I actually have real wood floors in my mouse house so I pull everything out and wipe down the floors with a very lightly dampened cloth because I could see that the floor was in need of freshening. Then I painstakingly cleaned each and every surface. For things that are water safe I used a cloth that was barely wet and for the other things I like to use a cheap paint brush to dust and carefully get into all the nook and crannies.
I also use a small bulb syringe like you use with babies to gently blow on things to get dust out of hard to reach spots.
I also take this time to tidy up and make sure things are organized and take note of things I have gotten since the last tidy up and put them away so I can easily find them. Of course, I also make little discoveries along the way and find things I had totally forgotten about. If you are like me you are always on the hunt for tiny treasures to add to your collection and sometimes you actually forget what you have. This is a perfect time to take mental inventory and remind yourself of what you have collected, and what you still need to find. I keep a list of things to be on the lookout for on my phone. That way I can more easily keep track of the miniatures I have yet to find. So, when I am up late at night unable to sleep. I can go to Etsy or Ebay, or other favorite miniature shops and see what I can find to check off my list.
Oh. . . I just though of a really cute addition...
How cute is this...a dollhouse sized Roomba... I have purchased from this store several times and I am very happy with everything I have received. You just need to be a bit patience as it takes several weeks to reach the US.
I could go more traditional with this little cutie... I don't have a vacuum yet! Yes, I have ordered from this shop as well and also had a great experience. So, much cuteness! Now to decide which one I like more.
But now back to cleaning...