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So many big, or maybe I should say "little " ideas. . .

I just thought it might be nice to sit down with a warm drink and perhaps a cookie or two, and chat with you a little today about what's happening in Cheddar Hollow as well as in my imagination. But first a few updates. I am still waiting on the final few pieces to arrive from overseas to be able to complete the hospital. I can't wait to share it all with you but the final pieces are critical and therefore it must wait a few more days. I know the package has arrived in the US, I am just waiting for it to make it's way to Virginia! Fingers crossed it will be very soon.

Emmental's bedroom is also almost done. Once again waiting for a few tiny touches to complete my vision. I swear waiting for the packages to arrive is the hardest part of all of this and I am learning that once I have a new idea I need to act on it and start gathering items even before I have the whole thing figured out in my head. Then while I wait for treasures to arrive I can start creating the pieces I need to make and slowly it starts to come together. Which for me is beyond frustrating because I am not a patient person.

So, let's talk about some of the ideas I have floating around in my head for new little businesses I am curious to explore in the upcoming months. I am currently most excited about starting construction on the Cheddar Hollow Post office which will be run by Grandpa Gouda. He was the Post Master back in his hometown in Holland and he has been the driving force behind Cheddar Hollow having it's very own branch so the townsmice will be able to have quick and reliable postal service come rain or shine. I have a meeting planned with him and Carmody, our interior designer set up for next week so we can start discussing plans and to find the perfect location in Cheddar Hollow for the new Post office. I will admit with CH growing so rapidly, real estate is filling up. Which brings me to the next exciting announcement. Grandma Havarti will be taking over as our Real Estate agent. She loves Cheddar Hollow and has come to know it quite well and will be the perfect mouse to show possible locations for various new businesses and homes to prospective new comers.

Along with a Post Office I am also finally talking with Roquefort about his vision for his gourmet food shop. He has very specific ideas and requirements so I am sure he and Carmody will keep me quite busy with that project as well. I have to admit, I am super excited to see what the three of us come up with. There are so many other ideas I have for my little mouse town...but I don't want to get too far ahead of myself and give away too many surprises. You will just have to keep checking back to see what I have up my sleeve.

Thanks so much for stopping by. . .Hope to see you soon!




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